Rockology 23/02/2022
Playlist » Les Duos Masculins Folk ROck US entre 1965 et 1975″
1- Simon & Garfunkel: The Only boy living in New York
2- Anders and Poncia: Back Where i came from
3- Chad and Jeremy: Distant shore
4- Hollins and star: Home ?
5- Richard and Thomas frost : Prelude: she got love
6-Fargo: Talks we used to have
7- Joe and Bing: Fenario/
8-Alzo and Udine: This room/
9- Brewer and Shippley: Keepers of the keys
10- Maffitt and Davies: Landscape growns cold/
11- Batteaux: High tide /
12- Batdorf and rodneys: let me go /
13- Richard Twice: if i knew you were the one
Réalisation : Campus / Rockology
Date de publication : 2022-02-23